The 36-year-old supermodel, who was advised to wear sensible footwear at the Manhattan garage she will clean for the next five days, kept on her Christian Louboutin stiletto boots with their trademark red soles and slung her hobnail workboots over one shoulder.

She topped off the look with a baker boy hat and dark glasses.
Streatham-born Campbell, who has a reputation for tardiness, turned up a few minutes before her scheduled 8am start. The model was given the punishment of community work after admitting hitting her former assistant on the head with her mobile phone.

The Streatham-born 36-year-old also wore brown trousers, an elegant short black coat belted at the waist, a jaunty baker-boy cap and her trademark dark glasses.

Unlike Boy George, who had to sweep New York streets last year as punishment for wasting police time, Campbell has been allowed to serve her sentence away from the glare of the cameras.
She will work indoors all week at the Manhattan district 3 garage on the Lower East Side of the city.
The area is being regenerated to make way for a "Basketball City".
Her duties include sweeping, mopping, polishing and scrubbing the toilets. Sanitation department deputy chief Al Durrell said: "If the toilets require to be cleaned, she will clean them, along with her co-workers.
"She will be sweeping the garage floor, sweeping the offices. We also have locker rooms and bathrooms she will be cleaning, mopping. We have windows that need to be cleaned so she'll be doing some of that."
Campbell's assistant, Ana Scolavino, needed five stitches after the model attacked her. Campbell's lawyer played down the incident, saying: "She did throw a phone but that doesn't mean she threw it at someone. But someone was accidentally hit as a result of it."
Campbell was ordered to pay $381 (£196) in medical costs and to attend two anger management classes.
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