Winners: Azharuddin and Rubina along with the cast and crew of Slumdog Millionaire celebrate after they won the Oscar for best picture
The real 'Slumdogs': Azharuddin Mohammed Ismail and Rubina Ali proudly pose with director Danny Boyle in brand new, hastily purchased clothes at The Oscars
Freida Pinto with co-star Rubiana Ali
Boyle, left, poses with Rubiana as they arrive at the Governors Ball following the 81st Academy Awards
Slumdog Millionaire director Danny Boyle hugs Rubiana Ali, who portrayed young Latika, backstage
Dream world: Rubina proudly poses with co-star Freida Pinto who plays Lalika, and Azharuddin onstage with director Danny Boyle
Special treat: Rubina enjoys some pizza with encouragement from co-star Dev Patel
A few days earlier they were playing barefoot in the festering slums they call home.
But for 24 hours, Rubina Ali and Azharuddin Mohammed Ismail were transported to a fairytale world.
The youngsters, the only reallife slumdwellers among the child stars of Slumdog Millionaire, were guests of honour at the Oscars.
Slumdog smiles: Gathered around an old TV set in Mumbai, a crowd watches the Oscar ceremony
Ten-year-old Azharuddin, who plays a young version of the lead character's brother Salim, and Rubina, nine, who plays the young heroine Letika, were dressed in brand new outfits and had their hair cut for the occasion.
Initially shy, they linked arms with fellow child actor Ayush Mahesh Khedekar, and walked hesitantly down the red carpet.
Just a few hours later Slumdog Millionaire was the toast of the Academy Awards, and the children stormed on stage punching the air to celebrate.
Support: Azharuddin's neighbours gather round to watch the awards ceremony
... and erupt with joy as Slumdog sweeps the board winning eight awards
At one point Azharuddin played with Danny Boyle's best director Oscar, balancing it on his head.
The children were cast in the film in the hope they would reflect the vitality of the slumdwellers. There was an outcry after they returned to their lives of extreme poverty after filming.
However Boyle and the film's producer Christian Colson have insisted they have been generously provided for.
Home: Mohammed Ismail, father of the young actor Azharuddin, inside his Mumbai shanty
Hooray for Bollywood: The triumphant cast of Slumdog Millionaire on the Oscars red carpet
The young cast of Slumdog Millionaire enjoy the spotlight at the awards show
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