Not only is he rather handy with a cricket bat and a bit of a mover on the dance floor - he has also turned his hand to modeling for a good cause.
The 39-year-old sportsman had his body painted to show the internal organs in a bid to get the nation eating more fibre.

And as well as showing off a washboard stomach and toned pecs the former England batsman also revealed a colourfuly painted heart, intestines, colon and bowel.
Mark stripped off for a cause close to his heart (or should that be bowels) - the Fibre Foundation's campaign.

The healthy star said: 'I'm shocked to learn that 80per cent of the nation aren't eating enough and fully support the Fibre Foundation's campaign to get fibre back on the agenda.'
And according to Mark fibre can cut the risk of heart disease, boost the immune system, reduce the risk of developing diabetes and help combat cancer.
Health and nutrition experts have termed fibre the 'original supernutrient' because of its ability to reduce the risk of developing heart disease, bowel cancer and diabetes.
Mark won BBC's Strictly Come Dancing in 2006 on which he danced with partner Karen Hardy.

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